About – Acerca de

Desde 1994 soy un desarrollador de software autodidacta, he tenido el gusto de desarrollar soluciones tecnológicas y publicitarias para marcas y empresas como BBDO, Ogilvy, Agexport, Audi, Hiundai, Cabcorp, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Tigo, etc.

Por lo acelerado que es tanto el mercado como la tecnología, he trabajado en un amplio espectro de soluciones, partiendo desde presentaciones interactivas y animadas con información dinámica generada desde servidores de base de datos, aplicaciones para redes sociales, integración de sistemas, presentaciones audiovisuales, distribución de contenido audiovisual vía streaming, etc.

Por esta trayectoria, he tenido el gusto de conocer a un amplio grupo de personas líderes en los mercados de tecnologías y medios, teniendo el gusto de ser invitado a compartir mi experiencia a diferentes eventos organizados por universidades como la Universidad Rafael Landívar, Universidad Mesoamericana, Universidad Panamericana, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, así mismo, he compartido columnas para medios como Prensa Libre y he sido invitado en diferentes ocasiones a programas de TV y Radio como A Primera Hora de Emisoras Unidas, Un Show Con Tuti y Desafíos en Guatevisión, Matutino Express de Canal Antigua, etc.

A finales de 2016 y principios de 2017, luego de diferentes altercados con grupos clandestinos en las redes sociales que buscaban censurar mis opiniones, decidí crear un canal de YouTube para compartir información relevante de estos grupos, eventualmente encontré que este grupo de usuarios de las redes sociales pertenecían a una agrupación política, y tenían en mente impulsar reformas en el congreso con el fin de controlar los juzgados con la propuesta de un “consejo nacional de justicia”, esto fue el detonante que me hizo salir de mi oficina e ir a manifestarme en contra de dicha reforma, desde ese día, he estado activo compartiendo al menos un vídeo al mes en relación a la coyuntura nacional.

Hi, my name is Rodrigo Polo and I’m a technology and multimedia solver.

I began to program at 14 years old (1994) using FoxPro and achieved a billing, inventory, accounting software that works just great for many years, since then I have a full relationship with software and technology, 100% self-taught I have done many projects from a wide range of clients, most of them on the advertisement and marketing segment.

I love rich media content and I had done a lot of work on this area, I love the free (libre) software movement where you can give back to the world of technology, I develop the “Stream Video Player” as a solution for many WordPress users who want to give the “YouTube Experience” to their users, today this piece of code has been translated into more than 15 languages and have more than 169,000 downloads:


I developed a URL shortener which I give it away as free-software, also provided as a free service, the “Open URL Shortener” which is as a service on http://rod.gs was made from scratch on PHP and MySQL, it has Twitter integration QR-Code automatic generation and stats, the front end made from scratch was made using XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery using the best practices for low bandwidth consumption, techniques like CSS Sprites are used to achieve a “Grade A” on benchmarking tool YSlow.

On October 2012 I released http://twitterguate.com, a site which reveals the reality of the most popular Twitter accounts in Guatemala, this site is done by a unique combination of technologies, experience and knowledge assembled with an amazing precision, Node.js, MongoDB, MySQL, PHP, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3 are the few technologies used and the knowledge required to manage and understand the huge data implied in the study vary from geolocalization, store procedures, non-sql transactions, the Twitter API to Alpha Blending for the charts and the understanding of the meaning on the numbers, which are the numbers that matter.

On the web area I have the pleasure to work and develop websites for brands and clients like Cabcorp, Pepsi, Telgua, BBDO, Ogilvy, Agexpront, 2night.com and many others, this gives me a wide range perspective on the technology required for each client.

Love to share knowledge without reservations; I have been a speaker at f5ideas.com 2008, 2009 and have been the community manager for the Adobe User Group Guatemala, with the aim to encourage learning web technologies for developers I developed EsPractico.com on 2008, I love to share on many blogs and communities that are committed to the free-software movement as it is github.